Emojis in Drupal 7 Nowadays emojis are everywhere and they are a fundamental part of the social communication. Twits, instagram pictures and others kinds… Continue reading “Emojis in Drupal 7”…
Thumbnails in Laravel Currently I received a requirement to create a thumbnail of images, the idea was to use the uri of the… Continue reading “Thumbnails in Laravel”…
Issue with Facebook social plugins, not working for logged out users I recently bumped into an issue with a Facebook social plugin not working properly for logged out Facebook users. The… Continue reading “Issue with Facebook social plugins, not working for logged out users”…
Entrust for Laravel Laravel 5.2 comes with user support out of the box but it has a lack of support for roles and… Continue reading “Entrust for Laravel”…
Connect to a MySQL Server inside of a Vagrant Machine from the Host Machine For all our projects we use Vagrant, we don’t waste more time setting up environments in physical machines since is… Continue reading “Connect to a MySQL Server inside of a Vagrant Machine from the Host Machine”…
How do we hire ? In 42mate we don’t trust in CVs as the only way to know a person. We are a company of… Continue reading “How do we hire ?”…
How to set variables in a page callback and use it in the page template Usually we set variables in a page callback to be used in a template, that template will be render in the… Continue reading “How to set variables in a page callback and use it in the page template”…
Installing NODE.js in Debian/Ubuntu This is a quick helper about how to install node.js and npm in Debian or Ubuntu. $ sudo apt-get install… Continue reading “Installing NODE.js in Debian/Ubuntu”…
How to install compass on Debian Sass is an extension of CSS3 which adds nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. Sass generates well formatted… Continue reading “How to install compass on Debian”…
Form States in Drupal The Forms API in drupal is one of the most complex things that I saw in my life, it has… Continue reading “Form States in Drupal”…
Enhanced Varnish Dashboard, A Web Dashboard tool to manage Varnish Cache Yesterday I saw this twit from François Zaninotto varnish-dashboard: Advanced realtime #Varnish dashboard, supports multiple servers and advanced management tasks… Continue reading “Enhanced Varnish Dashboard, A Web Dashboard tool to manage Varnish Cache”…
Images Styles in Drupal 7 with Varnish We experimented an issue with Images Style in one of our Drupal sites that we have with Varnish as a… Continue reading “Images Styles in Drupal 7 with Varnish”…