How to implement custom Drush commands on Drupal 9 For non Drupalers, Drush is the subsystem of Drupal that provides a CLI interface to interact with your Drupal site.… Continue reading “How to implement custom Drush commands on Drupal 9”…
Using PhpMyAdmin on Lando Lando is an excellent tool to setup development environments using docker in a really easy way to setup, maintain and… Continue reading “Using PhpMyAdmin on Lando”…
PHP 8.2 release On December 8 PHP 8.2 was released, this new version includes many new features on the languages and some deprecations,… Continue reading “PHP 8.2 release”…
Laravel 10 is coming As you might saw in a recent post, Drupal 10 was released and is not the only one reaching the… Continue reading “Laravel 10 is coming”…
Drupal 10 is here Really exciting day, Drupal 10 is being released while I’m writing this post. This is one of the most expected… Continue reading “Drupal 10 is here”…
Drupal 9, How to solve “Mismatched entity and/or field definitions” It’s very common to find this warning in the status report page of a Drupal site, this happens usually on… Continue reading “Drupal 9, How to solve “Mismatched entity and/or field definitions””…
How to Create a Custom Field Formatter in Drupal 9 As you know, Drupal has Entities (like Content Types, Blocks, Users), each Entity contains a group of fields, these fields… Continue reading “How to Create a Custom Field Formatter in Drupal 9”…
Laravel, MySQL, migrations and timestamps I was working on a weird issue related to a timestamp field on an Entity. I have an entity that… Continue reading “Laravel, MySQL, migrations and timestamps”…
Google Authentication into a Laravel Application using Socialite In this post we’re going to add authentication via Google to a Laravel app. I’m assuming that you already have… Continue reading “Google Authentication into a Laravel Application using Socialite”…
Vue.js: Bundle size and Performance Optimizations 🏎️ Introduction I’ve been working on a vue.js project using webpack and a great set of libraries. Since it’s a big… Continue reading “Vue.js: Bundle size and Performance Optimizations 🏎️”…
How to use Page Cache with multiple themes, Drupal 9 Page Cache is a great drupal core module that allows to serve cached versions of the pages to anonymous users.… Continue reading “How to use Page Cache with multiple themes, Drupal 9”…
Tips for Code Reviews We in 42mate, on every merge request, we do (or at least we try) to do code reviews. What is… Continue reading “Tips for Code Reviews”…